Wednesday, February 2, 2011



Hardwood flooring dents & scratches
Well, the brutal truth is, if some denting and scratching is completely unacceptable for your space, you probably should have gone with ceramic tile.
But this is a misunderstanding that happens pretty often when a customer is not informed (or does not inform himself or herself) of all the ins and outs when deciding on flooring. There is a lot to consider.
Wood is a naturally porous and "soft" material, no matter how "hard" the hardwood is or how many coatings and polishes you might apply to it. There's no way to turn wood into rock, nor would we really want to. You go with wood because you want an organic, warm, natural rustic look in your home or office, so dents, some scratching, and imperfections in the wood grain are something that should be accepted. Yes, you might have to do some fixing once in a while, but it's really par for the course, and at minimal levels actually adds character and dimension to the floor over time. (see Janka Hardness Ratings)
An ounce of prevention is certainly worth a pound of cure when we're talking about significant scratches and denting. The best line of defense is to have door mats and rugs in front of doors to the outside to catch dirt, rocks, and debris that attaches to the bottoms of shoes (and if you're really serious about it, having people remove shoes before entering, in true Japanese style, can curb the problem).
Also keep an eye on high heel shoes. If they're missing their pads, they can certainly do some damage to wood flooring. Also be sure to use appropriate casters on the legs of your furniture. Constant pressure from a large, heavy piece of furniture in the same place over time and on a small foot can certainly dent just about any type of non-stone flooring. Along with that, if you need to move furniture, be sure to use precautions to protect the floor from being damaged.
The bottom line is, if you have hardwood floors, they're going to get dented and scratched. Just decide how much is tolerable and do what you can to protect your floors. And just check out your warranty and product guides to figure out how to fix a dent or scratch if your damage is serious enough for the investment in time and effort to fix.
To learn more about hardwood floors visit our hardwood article library.

Friday, July 30, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Wood Floors Long Beach, Wood Floors San Diego, Wood Floors Sacramento

© Steve Nagy/age fotostock

2. Focus on Flooring!
Good, well maintained flooring can set a positive tone for the entire intirior of your home.
“Like paint, flooring can help creat an impression of spaciousness and airiness,” Nickell says. Weather it’s floating laminate flor, tile, or a natural “green” alternative, lighter tone flooring can make formerly drab areas appear modern and streamlined,”

Friday, July 2, 2010

Social Wood Flooring

How Do i Chose my Hard Wood Floor? There are many important factors that can determine what floor is right for you. The big three as i like to call them are; 1) Price, 2) Color / look, 3) Durability. If these three factors are important to you than you are just like everyone else in the market for floors. So what is a good floor that appeals to all three factors? There is nothing specific that fits all three factors for flooring, as the three factors vary from person to person. But, a very average floor is red oak. Read oak floors like many other floors are quite beautiful. And, red oak has a very classic look and feel. Its moderately priced because it grows domestically, and its durable. Not to mention the color range is very neutral, thus making it a good floor, no matter what size plank, or application. Oak also makes a wonderful engineered floor.

for some pictures of red oak flooring, click on this link:
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Tuesday, June 29, 2010


This weekend at Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse there will be an Independence Day SALE.  These guys have an airplane hangar full of inventory that is priced to move.  I mean you just can’t find deals like this. They have engineered flooring starting at .99c. They have laminate flooring starting at .79c, and solid bamboo flooring at $1.89!!! This place has unheard of deals, and ultra low prices. Plus they have most of their inventory IN STOCK, and if it isn’t stocked it usually comes in the next day. So, if you’re in or around the Long Beach, or Sacramento areas do yourself a favor, and go find at deal at Wholesale Woodfloor Warehouse.
Are you going to put flooring down in your new home? Are you in the middle of a remodel? Did you take advantage of government tax breaks and purchase a house to flip? Let us help you to add value to that home. A solid food floor raises the resale value of your home more so than any other type of floor covering.  Not only that, wood floors can last forever! Exotic wood floors can be up to 185% harder than an Oak floor, did you know that? Are you looking for something environmentally friendly? Well, a bamboo floor can be harvested in 4 to 8 years! That means no forest need to cut down, yes that’s renewable flooring, and it’s very inexpensive. Not to mention the fact that it makes for beautiful flooring.  Do you have a concrete slab, and need to utilize a glue down application? Well you can get engineered flooring made with real wood veneer top. This product is amazing; it uses less wood for the flooring, while still providing the natural beauty, and desirability of a true hardwood floor. Is laminate flooring a good choice? Well, more and more people are turning to laminate flooring as lumber prices continue to grow, and focus on the environment becomes more and more relevant. Laminate floors don’t require special logging, and don’t use real wood. Laminate floors can’t be resurfaced, but a good flooring installer can come in and replace the damaged isolated boards. Furthermore, laminate floors can be up to 3 dollars a square foot cheaper than a true solid hardwood floor, or even certain engineered wood floors. This means you can get more bang for your buck. Why else? To be totally honest, laminate floors are great do it yourself projects. Snap together seams and pre attached padding, makes this a super easy application. And finally, the look of laminate floors has improved dramatically over the last 20 years, you can now have a computer generated image of wood, beautifully designed on each board, tricking even the trained eye into believing its looking at a real hardwood floor. Laminate floors = today’s economic 

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Wood Floors

Wood floors are a valuable addition to any home or office. They have proven to be healthier than carpet, and have a much longer expected life than any other floor covering option. Additionally laminate floors have also come onto the market strong as a positive alternative to true hard wood floors.  Today many laminated floors are so good that they are almost indecipherable from a real ¾ solid plank. Not to mention the fact that a good laminated floor is far more inexpensive that real wood.
Despite pricing, and improvements in laminate technology, hard wood floors still remain the most desirable floor covering. The natural beauty and color, as well as the god given individuality of every piece, assures that it will remain the best option for flooring in any setting. 

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Laminate Flooring; A Historical Passage

Unlike hardwood, laminate floors will not stain, fade, dent and are far more scratch and water resistant. Entry level laminate wood flooring is designed for light traffic areas and come with warranties ranging from 10 to 15 years. Most people set their expectations too high and expect that entry level floors will perform under heavy traffic conditions and still look good for the duration of the warranty. This is however not the case, as an entry level floor subject to high traffic will start to show wear and tear within three to five years.

Laminate floors come with cores ranging from 6mm up to 12mm. A thicker core is more stable, less vulnerable to buckling and will sound more like real hardwood when walked on. Good quality cores are treated with water repellent chemicals, and resist swelling due to excessive moisture. This is very important especially when considering placing laminate wood flooring in bathrooms and kitchen. For these applications also consider a floor that has Paraffin wax impregnated joints. The Paraffin wax acts as a water repellent and will prevent topical water spills from penetrating down to the core. Also remember to scrutinize the warranty, as certain products are not covered for use in bathrooms and kitchens.
Buying the floors that suits your needs will save you money in the long run. This is not to say that every home requires a high end floor with an extensive warranty. Consider the amount of traffic as well as the amount of time you intend staying in your current home. There is no point in purchasing an expensive floor with an extended warranty if you plan on moving in the near future. Remember, the floor is usually the first thing replaced by people when moving to a new home.
Laminate wood flooring offers the best combination of quality and value in a wide range of colors, styles and designs and are also engineered for exceptional strength and durability and will last for years and years. For a rich and long-lasting experience, at a home friendly price, choose laminate; it's a natural look for your home and for the way you want to live.
Laminate wood floors history

Since their introduction into the US in 1982, the sector has experienced growth of up to 20% per annum at the expense of other floor types, making laminate the fastest growing floor type in the country. The appeal lies not only in its aesthetic value of its representation of real hardwood, but also due to its incredible durability and ease of maintenance.
The traditional look of hardwood is timeless; its beauty has brought a sense of comfort and elegance to homes around the world for many generations. Hardwood floors are however pricey, not very durable and require a fair amount of routine maintenance and care. Even the most recent technological advancements in surface treatment have not been able to solve such problems as scratching, fading, denting and staining. This has lead to the invention of laminate wood floors. With its machine made construction and hardwood photographic laminated surface, this floor is the perfect solution for the look and appeal of real hardwood that is more durable and requires less maintenance.